Henrique Leitão awarded an ERC Advanced grant to study the rutters
Henrique Leitão, Principal Investigator at the Interunivsersity Centre for the History of Science and Technology, Professor at the...
28 de mar. de 20192 min de leitura
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New article was published
A new article entitled Early Modern Nautical Charts and Maps: Working Through Different Cartographic Paradigms was published by Joaquim...
18 de mar. de 20191 min de leitura
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Joaquim Gaspar @Tedx ULisboa, May 4th
Joaquim Alves Gaspar will give a speech Was the Earth round in 1500? at TedX ULisboa, Saturday May 4th, 9AM at Aula Magna, Reitoria da...
12 de mar. de 20191 min de leitura
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